In an era when giant retailers and mega-corporations are pouring millions of dollars into Internet marketing and advertising, owners of small- and medium-sized can become easily discouraged. With limited marketing budgets, can smaller businesses compete in the high-cost world of Internet marketing and advertising? The answer is a definitive "yes." Indeed, one of the best ways to leverage limited marketing budgets is to use email marketing, which can be used to streamline, organize, and enhance customer relationships and communications. Email marketing is the perfect vehicle for distributing a company newsletter, contacting potential clients, sending offers to existing customers, or simply keeping in touch with an audience about updates and changes to the business. At first glance, it may seem that email marketing is a good idea in theory, but difficult to execute in practice. Compiling and maintaining email lists, composing and keeping track of email messages and offers, and sending out the emails manually or using rudimentary email blast software is difficult and time-consuming. It's also a gamble, since so many blast emails are caught in spam filters and are never delivered to the recipients. The only way to truly get the message to the customer is through sophisticated email marketing software. Historically, email list management software has had limited features, was unreliable in terms of assuring delivery of emails, and has been cost prohibitive to all but the largest companies. The good news is that new products have entered the marketplace that not only overcome these limitations, but that also offer enhanced affordability. As a small or medium-sized business, shopping for email list management software can be tricky. Look for the following features:
* Affordability - Email list management software should allow you to send up to 50,000 emails a month for under $100. There are even some email list management software systems that periodically offer introductory rates of $1 for the first month.
* An intuitive, Web-based interface - Web-based software is the wave of the future; a Web-based email list management system means you never have to worry about software maintenance or upgrades.
* Limitless email lists - You should be able to maintain as many addresses as you wish and as many lists as you want without incurring extra expense. Beware of companies that charge based on the number of database entries you have!
* Rollover credits - If you don't use your allotted number of emails during a given month, a good email marketing package will allow you to roll unused credits over into the next month, or to purchase additional credits on the fly, in real time.
* Importing lists - You should be able to import entire mailing lists into the online system with a few clicks of your mouse. You should also be able to rent or buy opt-in email lists and migrate them into the system.
* Sequential mailings - The best email marketing software systems allow you to import a series of messages and set up sequential mailings to be sent at the day and time you desire. In other words, you should be able to implement a six-month email marketing campaign in one sitting.
* Flexibility - Look for software that allows you to edit your lists and messages right up to the minute your mailing is scheduled to be sent.
* Automated list management - Email marketing software should automatically handle bounced emails, bad addresses, and requests for removal. It should also allow you to remove any blacklisted addresses and build opt-in email lists. Great email marketing software can be the great equalizer, allowing small- and medium-sized businesses to compete with the corporate giants in the world of Internet marketing and advertising.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Affordable Email Marketing Software or Majon's Business and Entrepreneurs directory.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Email Marketing Software Leverages Limited Marketing Budgets
Posted by Admin at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Optimizing Your Email Marketing
Email Campaigns
Email marketing can be a tremendously valuable tool for web businesses. Because it is so fast, cheap and easy, and because it is everywhere, email lends itself ideally to direct marketing. In this day and age, to say that the whole world is on the Web is not a stretch. Hundreds of millions of people plug into the Web on a regular basis.
Most regular internet users have an email address. Now that access to the Internet is available on PDAs and mobile phones, people can literally be reached anytime and anywhere. The capacity to send and receive email, and thus communicate with a large audience about your product, is huge and ever-broadening. Even though you only want to focus your email campaigns on those who have expressed an interest in your product, the way of attracting and finding large numbers of those targeted prospects is easier via the Internet.There is no faster way to get your marketing message into the homes of consumers than through email. Additionally, no other method is less expensive. Other than internet access costs, which are likely already incurred for general use, emailing costs nothing. Unlike with direct mail, there are no printing or postage costs. Email allows you to reach potentially large numbers of people instantaneously for free.
Optimize Your Email Campaign
There are ways to optimize any email campaign. Valiss can help you direct your campaign to a targeted group of consumers and avoid crossing that line between responsible consumer communications and annoying spam. Our experts know how to use email marketing to enhance your web presence and convert prospects into loyal customers.
Tip! Don't be afraid to go long. In the early days of email marketing, short copy was the rule.
Ted Prodromou spent over 25 years in the computer industry working for IBM, Digital, and Cellular one. Today he's the owner of Valiss IT, a consulting firm that provides small business coaching and marketing help. He's also a certified personal and professional coach.
Ted has created and led many coaching workshops and today is helping small businesses automate their marketing with his latest coaching program, "Attract Clients While You Sleep". For more information visit
Tip! Send Coupons Everyone loves coupons. Make them part of your direct email marketing campaign.
If you would like to download his free report "How To Attract Clients While You Sleep" visit
You are free to distribute this article, providing it remains unchanged and with the resource / bio box attached
Posted by Admin at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Mortgage Marketing - Viral-Email, Referral Marketing Strategy
This is a devastatingly powerful way to extend your marketing reach. For this to work right you need a website that promotes your business.
It doesn't have to be complicated, just professional looking with good content. It is vital, however, that there's a place for visitors to sign up for a free mortgage consultation.
If you don't have a site you can still make some money with this email so read on.
First, make sure that you get the email address of every client you do business with. When you close a loan send the client a simple email. Something like this:Dear (Client Name),
Thank you for choosing me for your home financing needs. I hope the experience was a positive one. And I trust that you are happy with your home loan.
I'm running a limited time promotion right now that might benefit you. You see, I've learned through experience in this business that people in the market for a home loan usually know others also in the market.
My first objective with every client is to provide them with the right product for their needs at a good price in a friendly, honest and efficient manner. I sincerely hope I have lived up to this goal in my dealings with you.
Tip! Bribes work well. An offer of free shipping, a discount, an invitation, or a free gift is extremely effective in email marketing.
You should know that not all mortgage brokers are guided by these same principles. If you have friends or family who could use my services wouldn't you feel better if you knew their broker would do right by them?
Here's what I'd like to ask of you. Copy and paste the block of text below into a blank email. Insert the name of one of your friends who could benefit from a home loan and send it to them. Send it to as many friends as you know who are in the market for my services.
Tip! Always ask your customer's permission to add them to your Email marketing list. 2.
Hey ,
Check out this website. I used this guy for my loan. He was straight with me and I got a good deal.
Not only will you be doing your friends a favor, you'll have the opportunity to get a free set of movie tickets. For every one of your friends who comes to my website and requests a free consultation I'll give you two movie tickets good for you choice of any movie in the area.
Tip! My Email Marketing messages were boring and sleep inducing (which is not really the ego strokes I am looking for).
I'll know they were sent by you because your email address is embedded in the website address. When your friends get to my site it'll record their visit.
At Your Service,
Your Name & Contact Info
This strategy does require some technical expirtise but nothing too comlicated. Your office techie should be able to set this up for you. And, of course, you'll be out the cost of a couple of movie ticket for each lead you get this way.
Please feel free to use or modify the above sample email and use it in your business as you see fit.
To Your Prosperity,
David A. Wells
Alexander Publishing
Mortgage Marketing Resources and the Mortgage Marketing Guide will help you get ahead in your mortgage career.
Posted by Admin at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Boost Email Marketing Open Rates by Sounding Like Grandma in Your Direct Email Advertising
The secret to persuading your customers to open and read your direct email marketing messages is to make them sound like a note from grandma.
Your customers receive three kinds of email:
1. Email from family and friends—personal. 2. Email from colleagues and suppliers—work. 3. Email from advertisers—legitimate and spam.
The least important of these emails, in the mind of your customers, are the promotional messages from you and me. Most customers say granny comes first, the boss second, and purported wives of deposed Nigerian leaders last.That's because your customers and prospects read newspapers and magazines, and watch television, for the news and entertainment, not the advertisements. Your sales pitch is an intrusion. Same goes for the phone. They use it to talk with people they care about, which does not include telemarketers. Same goes for email. Your customers and prospects read it primarily to learn stuff and to do stuff, not to buy stuff.
Tip! Don't be afraid to go long. In the early days of email marketing, short copy was the rule.
Which is why I recently unsubscribed from a popular email newsletter. All it seemed to do was pitch products. Just about every issue tried to sell me something instead of teach me something. The author is a well-known and well-liked consultant and author. I like him. I signed up to learn from him. But just about all that he did was pitch me his products week after week. So I said sayonara.
Start with your subject line. "Grandpa is in hospital" will arrest the attention or your reader sooner than a subject line that says "Our furniture sale has many bargains for you." So think of how you would grab the attention of a loved one in a letter or phone call, then write your email subject line using that same visceral power (while telling the truth, of course).
Tip! Bribes work well. An offer of free shipping, a discount, an invitation, or a free gift is extremely effective in email marketing.
Next comes your salutation. Don't use "Dear Customer" or any of its lame cousins. Address your reader by name. Say "Dear Alan," or "Dear Mr. Sharpe." You address family members, colleagues and vendors by name because you have a relationship with them. Extend the same familiarity to your customers and opt-in email prospects and they will immediately feel more inclined to read your offer.
Tip! Boring Email Marketing messages don't keep your customer's attention.
Then, write only about things that are of the greatest concern to your readers. Appeal to their self-interest. You mail birthday cards to your friends and family. You phone mum and dad on their wedding anniversary. Do the same in your promotional emails, sort of, by putting your readers first, making them the star of every email, and making them feel important to you and appreciated.
They'll love you for it.
---- About the author Alan Sharpe is a direct mail copywriter who helps business owners and marketing managers generate leads, close sales and retain customers using direct mail marketing. Learn more about his creative direct mail writing services and sign up for free weekly tips like this at
© 2006 Sharpe Copy Inc. You may reprint this article online and in print provided the links remain live and the content remains unaltered (including the "About the author" message).
Posted by Admin at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Permission Email Marketing Tips for Offline Small Business Owners
Unless your small business is situated under a rock, you've probably heard something about email marketing by now, and you may have even wondered if it's time for your small business to get into it.
In its simplest terms, email marketing means communicating with consumers through email. But there's a big difference between trying to talk to consumers who never asked to be talked to in the first place, and talking to your own customers, who at some point have said, "Yes, I'd love to hear from you."That's where permission email marketing comes in. Permission email marketing means giving valuable information to consumers who have requested to receive it. It is the ONLY legitimate way to send an email marketing campaign, and it is the only way your small business can benefit from email marketing.
But how do you get your customers to say "I do"?
Tip! More often, boring Email Marketing messages get put right into the delete box.
If you have an online business, or if your offline business has a website that receives many visitors, compiling subscribers can be as easy as adding a subscription box to your website. You would offer users something valuable, like a periodical newsletter or emails with discount coupons and, in return, your users would subscribe to your mailing list.
Sounds great. But what if your business is primarily offline, and what if you don't even have a website?
Tip! Always ask your customer's permission to add them to your Email marketing list. 2.
Many businesses think that's reason enough to step out of email marketing altogether. But what they're missing here is that compiling a permission email marketing list offline can be as easy, if not easier in some instances, as building a list online.
We have advised many clients on tips to collect email addresses at the point of purchase. Here are some of our favorite tactics:
- Collect business cards, Offer a prize. This is one of the oldest, most proven methods of collecting customer information in-store. Your prize doesn't even have to be huge. If you own a restaurant, it can be as simple as a free dinner for two. If you own a hair dresser, it can be as easy a 50% off coupon towards their next cut. The beauty here is that customers who submit their business cards have expressed genuine interest in your products or services. So when you contact them by email with further offers, you know you're talking to people who want to buy what you're selling.
The one thing to keep in mind here is that you MUST inform users that by submitting their business cards, they are agreeing to receive email communication from you. This can be as simple as adding a sign to the business card drop-off box saying: "We will send you an email to notify you if you have won. We may also send you periodical emails with special offers and announcements. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, please write 'No Email' on your business card."
Tip! Send Thank You Notes Using an email autoresponder to send thank you notes to your customers after the sale is a polite gesture—it's also Internet marketing at it's finest. Thank show your appreciation and should be incorporated into your direct email marketing if at all possible.
- Start a V.I.P. Club Many consumers like the idea of belonging to something exclusive, and receiving offers that are extended only to a select group of people. The labor on your part is minimal. It's as easy as keeping a notebook by the cashier. As a customer comes up to complete a purchase, casually tell them about your businesses' V.I.P. Club and ask them if they would like to join. Customers will appreciate this if you position it as a rewards club, or a way to say "Thank you, we love to have you around" to your most loyal customers. Of course, you should offer V.I.P. Club membership to any of your consumers, as you may find, once you start emailing them offers, that's a great way to build your most loyal customers. Make sure the offers you send them are, in fact, exclusive, and that you email V.I.P. Club members often enough, but not too often to become annoying (once or twice a month is usually a good interval).
Tip! Often, boring Email Marketing messages don't get read.
Again, when you're collecting customer emails for the V.I.P. Club, make sure your customers know they're signing up to receive email offers from you.
*** These are just some ideas to get your permission email marketing subscriber list started. The best news here is that compiling a list is actually the toughest part of managing an email marketing campaign. As long as you're using an email marketing manager program that's specifically designed for small businesses like yours, the rest of the process is a breeze.
Creating a campaign involves little more than selecting a professionally-designed template, typing text and choosing a few good images. Your campaigns will be scheduled and sent automatically, so you'll never have to worry about being involved in that part.
What you will get to do (and this is probably the most exciting and most rewarding part of email marketing), is analyze your campaign after it's been sent. You'll be able to see how many people opened your email message, how many people clicked on each link within the message and, best of all, exactly who did what. Now that's what we call accurate, detailed, and immediate consumer research (you actually get to track your consumers' actions from the exact moment they happen). And while you would previously pay a fortune just to get this research data, today your small business can send professional email marketing campaigns and track detailed consumer behavior for less than it would cost you to print store flyers.
Tip! AVOID the Word FREE in Your Message: Why, because the spam filters will get you. While FREE might be the most attractive word in email marketing, it's also one of those that spam filters will likely detect to block your message.
It's the new age of marketing, and there's never been a better time for your offline small business to get into the game.
Robert Burko is president and founder of, an Internet portal and suite of Fortune 500 tools designed for the specific needs of small businesses. Eliteweb's permission email marketing manager is perfect for online or offline small businesses. Click on the link above for a no-commitment 30-day Free trial.
Posted by Admin at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Email Marketing Software - A Review of TwEmail Marketing Software - A Review of Two Popular Serviceso Popular Services
When it comes to web-based email marketing software, IntelliContact and Constant Contact are two of the most popular providers.
I've used both for my email marketing campaigns, and while both are quality products I lean more toward IntelliContact. (For the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to them as I.C. and C.C. from here on out.)
Both are entirely web-based, which means you don't have to install the software. Rather, you log into your account, prepare your email marketing message or newsletter, broadcast it, and let the service handle the rest. Using a hosted form of email marketing software (like these two) has its advantages. There's nothing to install, and nothing to update or maintain.At first glance, cost is the most noticeable difference between these email marketing providers. IntelliContact comes in a few dollars less per month than Constant Contact (as of this writing).
But the big difference in my opinion is usability. While both are relatively easy to use, I found C.C. to be more challenging, with more of a learning curve to overcome. For me, I.C. was more accessible and navigable. I could find things quicker with I.C., especially my first time using their email marketing software.
Keeping customers informed is another area where I.C. excels. Both companies offer plenty of "how to" tips on email marketing, but I.C. goes beyond that by providing industry news. They seem to be in regular contact with the big Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in order to maintain good relations, and they do a good job keeping their customers in the loop.
Tip! Start using a permission-based email marketing software that allows you to easily create newsletters, automatically manage subscribes, unsubscribes, bounces, and view reporting statistics like opens and clickthroughs.
Conclusion Though IntelliContact is my personal choice, anyone interested in web-based email marketing software and service providers would do well to evaluate both companies.
* Copyright 2006, Brandon Cornett. You may republish this article if you retain the byline, author's note, and the active hyperlinks.
About the Author Brandon Cornett manages the Software Learning Center, a holy shrine for software geeks looking for independent software articles and advice. Online at:
Posted by Admin at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Bulk Email Marketing
To save on cost, companies are choosing below the line marketing of their products and services and the promotion of their corporate image. They are reaching out to their target audience and market with regular e-magazines and e-newsletters through the aid of the Internet and bulk email marketing.
Email marketing is effective and practical especially for start up companies. Virtually unknown brands can draw an audience of millions around the world through bulk email marketing. There is a downside to using bulk email marketing. It has close associations with spamming - sending unsolicited advertising and marketing campaigns to an indiscriminate addressee list. Nobody wants to receive spam mail.
This however does not mean that companies should shy away from bulk email marketing. A sound alternative would be to create an opt-in list. This lists addresses only those that opt to receive email from a certain party. Those who decline are automatically taken off the list. Opt-in lists can be bought from suppliers. They usually come from surveys Internet users fill out. Bulk email marketing is a good investment for businesses. Companies can communicate with their clients as often as they want with the least amount of expense.
However, since spammers do exist, there must be a market in spamming. If you believe this method will work for you, and that there are enough people out there not using spam blockers, then go ahead and try the unsolicited bulk email route. The response rate will be very, very slim, but it might be enough.
Bulk Email provides detailed information on Bulk Email, Bulk Email Marketing, Bulk Email Software, Bulk Email Lists and more. Bulk Email is affiliated with Email Server Software.
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